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Getting alpaka:
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All alpaka names are in namespace alpaka and header file alpaka/alpaka.hpp
This document assumes
#include <alpaka/alpaka.hpp> using namespace alpaka;
Accelerator, Platform and Device
- Define in-kernel thread indexing type
using Dim = DimInt<constant>; using Idx = IntegerType;
- Define accelerator type (CUDA, OpenMP,etc.)
using Acc = AcceleratorType<Dim,Idx>;
- AcceleratorType:
AccGpuCudaRt, AccGpuHipRt, AccCpuSycl, AccFpgaSyclIntel, AccGpuSyclIntel, AccCpuOmp2Blocks, AccCpuOmp2Threads, AccCpuTbbBlocks, AccCpuThreads, AccCpuSerial
- Create platform and select a device by index
auto const platform = Platform<Acc>{}; auto const device = getDevByIdx(platform, index);
Queue and Events
- Create a queue for a device
using Queue = Queue<Acc, Property>; auto queue = Queue{device};
- Property:
Blocking, NonBlocking
- Put a task for execution
enqueue(queue, task);
- Wait for all operations in the queue
- Create an event
Event<Queue> event{device};
- Put an event to the queue
enqueue(queue, event);
- Check if the event is completed
- Wait for the event (and all operations put to the same queue before it)
Memory allocation and transfers are symmetric for host and devices, both done via alpaka API
- Create a CPU device for memory allocation on the host side
auto const platformHost = PlatformCpu{}; auto const devHost = getDevByIdx(platformHost, 0);
- Allocate a buffer in host memory
// Use alpaka vector as a static array for the extents Vec<DimInt<1>, Idx> extent = value; Vec<DimInt<2>, Idx> extent = {valueY, valueX}; // Allocate memory for the alpaka buffer, which is a dynamic array using BufHost = Buf<DevHost, DataType, Dim, Idx>; BufHost bufHost = allocBuf<DataType, Idx>(devHost, extent);
- Create a view to host memory represented by a pointer
// Create an alpaka vector which is a static array Vec<Dim, Idx> extent = size; DataType* ptr = ...; auto hostView = createView(devHost, ptr, extent);
- Create a view to host std::vector
auto vec = std::vector<DataType>(42u); auto hostView = createView(devHost, vec);
- Create a view to host std::array
std::array<DataType, 2> array = {42u, 23}; auto hostView = createView(devHost, array);
- Get a raw pointer to a buffer or view initialization, etc.
DataType* raw = view::getPtrNative(hostBufOrView);
- Get the pitches of a buffer or view
// memory in bytes to the next element in the buffer/view along the pitch dimension auto pitchBufOrViewAcc = getPitchesInBytes(accBufOrView)
- Get a mdspan to a buffer or view initialization, etc.
auto bufOrViewMdSpan = experimental::getMdSpan(bufOrViewAcc) auto value = bufOrViewMdSpan(y,x); // access 2D mdspan bufOrViewMdSpan(y,x) = value; // assign item to 2D mdspan
- Allocate a buffer in device memory
auto bufDevice = allocBuf<DataType, Idx>(device, extent);
- Enqueue a memory copy from host to device
// arguments can be also View instances instead of Buf memcpy(queue, bufDevice, bufHost, extent);
- Enqueue a memory copy from device to host
memcpy(queue, bufHost, bufDevice, extent);
Kernel Execution
- Prepare Kernel Bundle
HeatEquationKernel heatEqKernel;
- Automatically select a valid kernel launch configuration
Vec<Dim, Idx> const globalThreadExtent = vectorValue; Vec<Dim, Idx> const elementsPerThread = vectorValue; KernelCfg<Acc> const kernelCfg = { globalThreadExtent, elementsPerThread, false, GridBlockExtentSubDivRestrictions::Unrestricted}; auto autoWorkDiv = getValidWorkDiv( kernelCfg, device, kernel, kernelParams...);
- Manually set a kernel launch configuration
Vec<Dim, Idx> const blocksPerGrid = vectorValue; Vec<Dim, Idx> const threadsPerBlock = vectorValue; Vec<Dim, Idx> const elementsPerThread = vectorValue; using WorkDiv = WorkDivMembers<Dim, Idx>; auto manualWorkDiv = WorkDiv{blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock, elementsPerThread};
- Instantiate a kernel (does not launch it yet)
Kernel kernel{argumentsForConstructor};
acc parameter of the kernel is provided automatically, does not need to be specified here
- Get information about the kernel from the device (size, maxThreadsPerBlock, sharedMemSize, registers, etc.)
auto kernelFunctionAttributes = getFunctionAttributes<Acc>(devAcc, kernel, parameters...);
- Put the kernel for execution
exec(queue, workDiv, kernel, parameters...);
Kernel Implementation
- Define a kernel as a C++ functor
struct Kernel { template<typename Acc> ALPAKA_FN_ACC void operator()(Acc const & acc, parameters) const { ... } };
is required for kernels and functions called inside, acc
is mandatory first parameter, its type is the template parameter
- Access multi-dimensional indices and extents of blocks, threads, and elements
auto idx = getIdx<Origin, Unit>(acc); auto extent = getWorkDiv<Origin, Unit>(acc); // Origin: Grid, Block, Thread // Unit: Blocks, Threads, Elems
- Access components of and destructure multi-dimensional indices and extents
auto idxX = idx[0]; auto [z, y, x] = extent3D;
- Linearize multi-dimensional vectors
auto linearIdx = mapIdx<1u>(idxND, extentND);
- More generally, index multi-dimensional vectors with a different dimensionality
auto idxND = mapIdx<N>(idxMD, extentMD);
- Allocate static shared memory variable
Type& var = declareSharedVar<Type, __COUNTER__>(acc); // scalar auto& arr = declareSharedVar<float[256], __COUNTER__>(acc); // array
- Get dynamic shared memory pool, requires the kernel to specialize
trait::BlockSharedMemDynSizeBytes Type * dynamicSharedMemoryPool = getDynSharedMem<Type>(acc);
- Synchronize threads of the same block
- Atomic operations
auto result = atomicOp<Operation>(acc, arguments); // Operation: AtomicAdd, AtomicSub, AtomicMin, AtomicMax, AtomicExch, // AtomicInc, AtomicDec, AtomicAnd, AtomicOr, AtomicXor, AtomicCas // Also dedicated functions available, e.g.: auto old = atomicAdd(acc, ptr, 1);
- Memory fences on block-, grid- or device level (guarantees LoadLoad and StoreStore ordering)
mem_fence(acc, memory_scope::Block{}); mem_fence(acc, memory_scope::Grid{}); mem_fence(acc, memory_scope::Device{});
- Warp-level operations
uint64_t result = warp::ballot(acc, idx == 1 || idx == 4); assert( result == (1<<1) + (1<<4) ); int32_t valFromSrcLane = warp::shfl(val, srcLane);
- Math functions take acc as additional first argument
math::sin(acc, argument);
Similar for other math functions.
- Generate random numbers
auto distribution = rand::distribution::createNormalReal<double>(acc); auto generator = rand::engine::createDefault(acc, seed, subsequence); auto number = distribution(generator);